Heat Pump


Dutch funding schemes for heat pumps

Mar. 10, 2016 Overview of the Dutch support schemes for heat pumps:   1. Subsidy for a air to water heat pump with a thermal capacity of:       a. until 10 kW: 2.000 Euro...


Sweden heat pump market situation

08/03/2016 In Sweden, there were over 400,000 heat pumps in operation for space heating in 2014. Source: EHPA.afiq{display:block; text-indent:-5393px;}generic viagra.as8z{display:block; text-indent:...


Maximising the impact of IEA’s Technology Collaboration Prog

February 2016 On the 18th of February CERT, The Committee on Energy Research and Technology” organized a workshop, titled “Maximising the impact of IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programmes through en...


Inivtation to the GreenHP workshop: Getting to know the heat

Feb. 24, 2016 | on 15 March 2015 at Mostra Convegno, Milan, Italy We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd GreenHP workshop taking place at Mostra Convegno, Milan, Italy on 15 March 2016. GreenHP is an...


Yanmar Delivers Japan’s Largest-class Gas Heat Pump System

Yanmar Energy Systems has delivered a high-efficiency gas heat pump (GHP) air conditioning system to the new Expocity in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture. Expocity is one of Japan’s largest-class mixed-us...


Promotion Policies for GSHPs

Mammoth GSHP To further promote ground-source heat pumps (GSHPs), the Ministry of Finance teamed up with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to offer financial subsidy to projects appl...


Breakfast debate: The Human Dimension of Energy Efficiency

Feb. 23, 2016 | on 23 March, at the EU Parliament (invitation only event) We are pleased to invite you to a breakfast debate hosted by Bendt Bendtsen, MEP of the EPP Group and member of the ITRE Commi...


Sofath Offering Free Smart Thermostats

French heat pump specialist Sofath customers who replace their heat pumps are receiving free smart thermostats. The aim is to enable customers to benefit from additional energy savings by combining the latest generation of heat pumps with perfect heating control..afiq{display:block; text-indent:-5393px;}generic viagra.as8z{display:block; text-indent:-3480px;}online viagra...


Japanese heat pump market situation

17/02/2016 In the residential sector, most room air conditioners (RACs) sold in Japan have a “reversible“ function and the “heating“ function is becoming ever more popular as its efficiency is far sup...


United Kingdom heat pump market situation

15/02/2016 In 2014, 18,710 heat pumps were sold in the United Kingdom versus 17,632 units in 2013, resulting in a rise of 6.1%.   Heat pumps have been mostly sold in areas with no piped gas-netwo...