Heat Pump


U.S. Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data in Septembe

Residential Storage Water Heaters U.S. shipments of residential gas storage water heaters for September 2016 increased 16.1% to 328,980 units, up from 283,413 units shipped in September 2015. Resident...


EUREKA 2016: The Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Industry t

The HVACR industry needs to adapt their offer to be simple, intuitive, connected, collaborative, sustainable and cost-effective in a healthy and comfortable environment. According to participants at E...


HPA backs new RHI scheme reforms

Dec 16, 2016 The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has broadly welcomed yesterday’s release (14th December) of the Government’s intended reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme in Spring 2017.   HPA president Mike Nankivell said: “Considering there was a genuine risk to the continuance of the RHI scheme due to Brexit, Government changes and the state of the economy, this has to be seen...


7%: How Danish towns and Swiss villages fight climate change

Dec. 16, 2016 | 7% less CO2 has been emitted in Europe thanks to renewable energy deployment Between 2005 and 2012, the development of renewable energy in Europe reduced greenhouse gas emissions by ...


HPA backs new RHI scheme reforms

Dec. 15, 2016 The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has broadly welcomed yesterday’s release (14th December) of the Government’s intended reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme in Spring 2017.   HPA president Mike Nankivell said: “Considering there was a genuine risk to the continuance of the RHI scheme due to Brexit, Government changes and the state of the economy, this has to be see...


FROnT project in a Commission’s new report for the 2016 Heat

Dec. 15, 2016 The European Commission published in December 2016 a new report related to the 2016 Heating and Cooling strategy and emphasizes on the EU support. The FROnT project has been included in ...


Heat pump benefits

07/12/2016 ・ Energy saved in 2015 All heat pumps installed in 2015 have saved 11.61 TWh of final and 5.19 TWh of primary energy. The stock of heat pump units in operation across Europe by 2015 saved ...


Renewable energy’s next frontier: heat

6 December 2016 While energy use is commonly associated with lighting or transportation, more than half of the world’s energy consumption serves a simple function: heating things. This ranges from he...


UFAD Systems Offer Comfort, Flexibility, Energy Savings

Nov 29, 2016 Underfloor air-distribution (UFAD) systems have been used for comfort-conditioning office spaces in United States office buildings since the early 1990s. Systems were initially employed i...


European heat pump market and statistics report 2016

26/11/2016 European heat pump market grew for the third consecutive year in 2015.  Heat pump sales in Europe have reached in 2015 the highest number ever recorded: 890 302 units.Year-over-year 12...