Latin America
RAC Courses Brazil 2017
RAC Brazil wants to repeat its 2016 success and has scheduled several courses for 2017. According to Nilton Laureano de Freitas, the course aims to teach the correct selection and application of RAC components, as well as procedures, purpose, and application of integrated systems oil return, cleaning, decontamination, vibration, and pulsation, problem solving in the field, startup procedure, and m...
AMCA Certificates S&P Brazil Laboratory
At the beginning of the year, U.S.- based Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA) certified S&P Brazil Ventilation’s laboratory for fan tests according to the AMCA 210 standard. This means that performance tests carried out in the laboratory correctly follow the standard’s procedures and have the correct accuracy, as if carried out in the AMCA laboratory itself. This is the s...
Technology Eliminates Refrigerant Micro Leaks

The Brazilian company K11 and North American Spectronics announced a strategic partnership for suppling technological solutions within the national market. This partnership will include the Tapa Fugas...
Full Gauge Controllers in Dubai

Emirates SkyCargo, an Emirates group cargo company of Dubai, inaugurated facilities specially built for the transport of temperature sensitive pharmaceuticals at Dubai International Airport: SkyePharm...
Armacell Brazil Has New Sales Consultant

Juliano Souza da Silva is the newest member of Armacell’s sales team in Brazil. He holds a degree in business administration from Faculdade Anhembi Morumbi and a refrigeration and air conditioning tec...
TurboTrans Chiller with Higher Initial Investment & Lower Op

Alibra Ingredients, located in the city of Campinas (SP) and headquartered in Marechal Candido Rondon (PR), is a company that specializes in the supply of ingredients, powdered food mixes, and cheese ...
Midea to Expand Operations in Latin America and the Caribbea

Midea will invest US$ 30 million to expand its business in South and Central America, offering customized products for each country. The operation’s headquarters will be in Miami, the United States. T...
DHL buys Brazilian road carrier Polar Transportes
April 19, 2017 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: DHL Supply Chain is to buy Brazilian road carrier Polar Transportes for an undisclosed amount. The purchase, still subject to approval from the Brazilian competition authorities, will strengthen DHL’s Life Sciences and Healthcare industry services in Brazil. Polar Transportes has worked with DHL for over 15 years and runs a fleet of more than 30...
FEBRAVA: September 12-15 in Brazil

FEBRAVA, the 20th International Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Air Treatment Fair, will be held from September 12 to 15, 2017 at Sao Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention C...
Cold-storage facility converted to propane in Colombia.

22/03/2017 Asocolflores, the association representing flower exporters in Colombia, has replaced an R22-based system with R290 in a 392 m2 cold storage facility for flowers, located in the Savanna of ...