Latin America
Southern Hemisphere AC Market Gradually Recovers in 2017

In the Northern Hemisphere, the air conditioner sales season will begin soon, while in the Southern Hemisphere the sales season will soon be over. JARN carried out questionnaire and interview surveys ...
Efforts to reduce air and climate pollutants in Latin Americ
April 20, 2018 Poor air quality and climate change are already impacting vulnerable populations and ecosystems in the Latin American and Caribbean region, resulting in premature deaths, crop losses and ecosystem damage. Implementing measures to reduce emissions of black carbon, methane and hydrofluorocarbons, by 2050, can reduce warming in the region by up to 0.9 degre...
Gree Serves China’s First Overseas Extra-high Voltage Projec

2018-03-22 Gree Overseas Recently Gree has won the second-phase extra-high voltage power supply project in Belo Monte, Brazil. State Grid Corporation of China is in charge of the construction of the ...
Gree Serves Brazil’s Coal-fired Power Plant Project

2018-03-07 Gree Overseas Joyful news came from Gree Brazil recently. Adopting Gree GMV5 Series All DC Inverter VRF Units, AC project of Brazil PAMPA 340MW coal-fired power plant has entered the...
Record oil output from US, Brazil, Canada and Norway to keep

March 05, 2018 Over the next three years, gains from the United States alone will cover 80% of the world’s demand growth Oil production growth from the United States, Brazil, Canada and Norway...
Panasonic Developed The Biggest Project with HIT Solar Panel

Feb 23, 2018 Guanacaste, Costa Rica - Panasonic established the biggest* HIT solar system project in Latin America and the largest one in Costa Rica, which deliver 5MW and consists in 15,456 HIT...
New Brazilian Law Requires Maintenance of AC Systems in Buil
All air conditioned buildings for public and collective use must have a Plano de Manutencao, Operacao e Controle (PMOC) - Maintenance, Operation, and Control Plan - in compliance with the new federal law No. 13589, signed on January 4, 2018. Associacao Brasileira de Refrigeracao, Ar Condicionado, Ventilacao e Aquecimento (ABRAVA) - Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, V...
IEA marks historic day in global energy governance with firs

18 February 2018 PARIS -- Mexico officially became the International Energy Agency’s 30th member country on 17 February 2018, and its first member in Latin America. The membership came after the signe...
TCL Appoints Football Superstar Neymar Jr. Global Brand Amba

Latest move in company’s stellar series of sports sponsorships which aim to bring TCL’s global community closer [Hong Kong, February 5, 2018] TCL, a global leading TV and Air conditioner manufacturer...
Argentina: training sessions for the transition to alternati

01/02/2018 Inspired by the training sessions organised in Europe to help servicing technicians comply with the F gas regulation, the Centro Studi Galileo announced that training sessions will start in...