Latin America
IEA participates in G20 energy ministerial meeting in Argent

18 June 2018 IEA Head of Energy Supply Outlook Division delivered a keynote address to the G20 Energy Ministerial (Photograph: G20 Argentina) SAN CARLOS DE BARILOCHE – The Inte...
Sanhua Participate in the B20 2018 Taskforce Meeting

14 Jun 2018 As an important part of G20, Business 20 Argentina Joint Taskforce meet during the OECD Week, in Paris, on May 28 and 29th. This B20 was overwhelmed by the support and endorsement, it rec...
In 2017, VRF demand in Chile slightly increased to 1,100 units. Compared with neighboring markets, Chile has high demand for heat recovery type VRF products. In Chile, there are only a few Japanese manufacturers. Daikin established a sales subsidiary in Chile in 2013. Fujitsu General’s VRF systems are offered in Chile through its distributor Eurofred Chile, which is a joint...
VRF market scale in Argentina increased to 2,400 units in 2017. Daikin and LG lead the local VRF market. There are only a few Japanese manufacturers in Argentina. Daikin has had a sales subsidiary in the country since 2001. Utilizing close ties between the Chinese and Argentine governments, Chinese manufacturers have entered the market and started to set up a sales system. Midea&...
The Mexican VRF market is the second largest in Latin America after Brazil. Mexican VRF market scale increased to 3,500 units in 2017. Mexico is part of North America, but has a Latin culture and is positioned as a Latin American hub. Manufacturers need to have more than products to expand their business in Mexico – they also need technical training centers, after service centers, s...
The Brazilian market showed some recovery from its ongoing market stagnation. Maintaining its position as the largest VRF market in Latin America, its market scale increased slightly to 10,000 units in 2017. In recent years, the economic recession has led to a substantial loss of enterprises. Many air conditioning plants in Manaus have been closed, downsized, or have stopped production. V...

The Latin American VRF market increased to 31,100 units in 2017. Brazil maintained its position as Latin America’s largest VRF market, followed by Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Peru. ...
Industry 4.0 for smart sustainable cities in Latin America
BUENOS AIRES, 30 May 2018 – Innovative policies and regulatory frameworks are key to harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to revolutionize urban infrastructures and improve the quality of life of people in Latin America. This was a key conclusion of the over 250 participants in the 1st Forum on AI and IoT in Smart Sustainable Cities in Lat...
Midea to Present at CONSTRUCTECNIA 2018 in Paraguay

MideaCAC 2028-5-28 CONSTRUCTECNIA 2018 is international fair of equipment, machinery and construction materials, it is the largest construction event in Paraguay and is also the most im...
Midea to Present at EXPO FRIO CALOR CHILE

MideaCAC 2018-05-18 EXPO FRIO CALOR CHILE is one of leading professional HVAC exhibition in Chile, which was held every two years by Chile HVAC Association. On May 16, it was continued to be held i...