CGF records refrigeration successes
January 20, 2016 FRANCE: The successes of the Consumer Goods Forum’s five-year commitment to replace HFCs in refrigeration systems are recorded in a new publication. In 2010, the CGF made a com...
GT Phelan to distribute Samsung
January 20, 2016 IRELAND: Air conditioning distributor GT Phelan has agreed a partnership deal with Samsung, covering product distribution, support and training in Ireland. Derek Phelan, sales ...
New in cooling tower technology.
19/01/2016 Dais Analytic company has tested a new cooling tower technology named PolyCool. It has the potential to reduce germ-infested water and to be more efficient than traditional process. ...
New Year’s Resolutions from Global Association Leaders--AFEC
Pilar Budi, director general of Asociacion de Fabricantes de Equipos de Climatizacion (AFEC, Spain) AFEC, the Spanish Air Conditioning Equipment Manufacturer’s Association, is a non-profit asso...
1st IIR-UNEP Joint Experts’ Roundtable on Cold Chain Managem
20/01/2016 The IIR and UNEP organise a Joint Experts’ Roundtable on Cold Chain Management in Hot Climates In collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the IIR is proud to an...
NitroTrace - Pressure testing for leaks
20 January 2016 NitroTrace allows you to leak test air conditioning and refrigeration systems using pressurised tracer gas. It lets you indentify the presence which can be for leaks using both gauges ...
BPMA celebrates 75th anniversary
20 January 2016 This year, the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association (BPMA) marks its 75th anniversary. Although many aspects relating to pumping have changed in the past 75 years, some of th...
Fresh Aire Europe / Airvention named exclusive EU distributo
19 January 2016 Fresh Aire Europe / Airvention ApS has been named the exclusive European distributor for Fresh Aire UV , a division of Triatomic Environmental, Jupiter, Fla, one of the world’s leading...
Heat Pump Keymark; ready for applications
Jan. 19, 2016 After 9 months of development, the heat pump KEYMARK has officially been added to the list of CEN certification schemes. Interested heat pump manufactures can apply for the KEYMARK immed...
Viessman Switzerland joins ICHP WG
Jan. 19, 2016 Viessmann (Switzerland) Ltd, Large Heat-Pumps, located in Worb SBB, close to Berne in Switzerland, is Viessmann’s competence center for large heat-pumps, ranging from 20 to 2000 kW heating power. The company has more than 35 years experience in developing, manufacturing and servicing large heat-pumps used for heating and cooling of buildings and industrial facilities using geothermal...