Latin America
Global RAC Market Shrinks by 27% -- Brazil

Reported by the Brazilian Association for HVAC&R (ABRAVA) Economic Scenario Brazil was on the path of economic recovery at the beginning of 2020, with a gross domestic product (GDP) fore...
ABRAVA Women’s Committee Presents New Training and Work Plan

ABRAVA Women’s Committee held its first working meeting at the end of June 2020 and dealt with many topics such as the three subcommittees, new members, and the definition of the scope of the wo...
Shuangliang Installs First Zero Water Consumption CHP in Lat

In January 2020, Shuangliang successfully installed a zero water consumption combined heat and power (CHP) system at a fifth-generation (5G) data center in Latin America. Shuangliang’s zero w...

Reported by ABRAVA, Brazil The Brazilian economy in 2019 fell short of the country’s needs, with gross domestic product (GDP) growth of only 1.1%. Although this growth is low in view of th...
Social Media Campaigns Promote U.S. Pork Consumption in Mexi

3th Jun 2020 USMEF-Mexico conducted several social media campaigns in April and May to promote U.S. pork during the coronavirus pandemic by sharing information with consumers about cooking various cu...

The political environment in Latin America has been unstable, and changes of government are the main causes of social and economic instability. In particular, during years in which general and preside...
Pandemic Casting A Shadow on the AC Market in Latin America

The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread in Latin America. On May 20, the Rio de Janeiro State Government took measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic by closing all facilities except busin...
Biofuels in the time of Covid-19: Staying the course on clea

Pharoah Le Feuvre, Renewable Energy Analyst Commentary — 11 May 2020 Modern bioenergy1 is an often-overlooked giant among renewable energy sources, accounting for half of the world’s rene...
Hass Colombia and Maersk: Avocados making history in Colombi

09 March 2020 Inland Services Supply Chain Services Cold Chain Logistics In January 2020, more than 20 tons of Hass Avocados in a Maersk Reefer container travelled for the first time in Colo...
AHRI Submits Comments to Brazil and Egypt on Draft Energy Ef
The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) submitted comments (in English and Portuguese) April 3 to the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (INMETRO) on its draft Resolution 01 from January 27, regarding conformity assessment requirements for air conditioners (mini splits). AHRI commended Brazil for its efforts to set minimum energy performanc...