eJARN News


HFCs in Retail Refrigeration

In their annual survey of the supermarket refrigeration sector in Europe, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) says that the number of HFCfree installations continues to rise: a 24% increase in the United Kingdom compared to 2012, around 590 stores in the rest of Europe using hybrid systems and another 1,000 using HFCfree solutions. Many of the largest retailers across Europe aim to use HF...


Cyber Attack Risk for ACR Systems

A targeted attack from computer hackers who are capable of taking over control of centralized air conditioning and building energy management systems and embedding viruses is already a reality. Cyber security is a new discipline which has evolved to protect installations against this risk. Hugh Boyes writing in the CIBSE Journal instances some of the possible threats: altering control settings, in...


Airedale in Moscow

UK-based ACR products manufacturer Airedale has signed a memorandum of understanding with Apek-S (Moscow) to establish a permanent presence in Russia to promote Airedale products and installations as well as offering sales, commissioning and service. The two companies have been working together for the last 10 years, designing and managing installations including close control and large infrastruc...


Defining Air Conditioning

The terms air conditioning and climate control have become an important feature of local and international energy regulations and standards in Europe. But as Prof. Achim Trogisch of the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (Germany) points out, the exact meaning of these terms can be critical when used in a legal context where correct interpretation is vital in deciding on whether a system confo...


New R&D Center for Systemair

Swedish air handling systems company Systemair recently opened a new 3,000 m2 R&D facility in Boxberg-Windischbuch (Germany) - the location of Systemair’s existing distribution center for central and southern Europe. Fans and packaged units can be tested under application-specific conditions so that full scale performance can be verified. The equipment ranges from small test chambers (up to 13...


Personalized Cooling

The idea of heating or cooling just the occupants of a room and not the whole environment has often been seen as the ultimate goal in minimizing energy. Desktop air diffusers have had some limited success but a new technique developed at the Center for the Built Environment, University of California, Berkeley (the United States) looks more promising. With a US$ 1.6 million grant from the Californi...


Green Wall Technique Evaluated

Normally an architectural feature of living plants to enhance the built environment, the use of green walls can also make a positive contribution to indoor air quality - as shown by an evaluation in a climatic test room at the Burgenland University of Applied Sciences (Eisenstadt, Austria). Subjective impressions were compared with a control group in a similar room but without the green wall. Ther...


Arkema to Invest in China

Arkema (France), one of the world’s largest suppliers of fluorinated chemicals selling under the brand name Forane, is to invest in a production facility in Shanghai (China) for HFO-1234yf aiming at a start-up date of 2016. Another facility will be built later in Europe with idea of fully replacing the market for R134a by 2017. Total investment in the two units is said to be around ?200 million. &...


Building Energy Savings Enjoy Bright Prospects in China

Green buildings aim at maximizing resource savings over their life cycle, including energy, land, water, and materials, to protect the environment and reduce pollution while offering people healthy, c...


Hitachi Air Conditioning Launches Aircademy Training Center

Hitachi Air Conditioning Products Europe announced the launch of its newly refurbished Aircademy training center in Maidenhead, Berkshire in the United Kingdom.   Hitachi’s Aircademy has recently...