eJARN News


The 'Best Of' Rob 'Doc' Falke

Dec. 31, 2013 Sometimes the best way to learn something is to dive in and get your hands dirty. Rob ‘Doc’ Falke has been sharing his industry knowledge and expertise through his technical articles in the Hotmail newsletter for several years. His articles give contractors a ‘hands on’ approach to solving issues like balancing a zoned system to exhaust fan pressure measurement. Click below to get ac...


Sensor Shipments for Smart Buildings to Surpass 28 Million b

Dec 30, 2013 Boulder, Colo. -- Efforts to make buildings smarter and more energy-efficient have given rise to a new class of advanced sensors, allowing building systems to better anticipate and respond to changing conditions, according to a new report from Navigant Research. These devices can create environments that are both more comfortable and productive for occupants, and more operationally ef...


HERO Energy Efficiency Program Honored by Calif. Governor

Dec 30, 2013 Sacramento, Calif. -- California Gov. Jerry Brown presented the Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) Program with the Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award.   The state presented this award to recognize the success of the HERO Program, which is a public-private partnership between cities and counties and the private sector that helps property owners to becom...


ASHRAE Publishes Revised Standard On Ventilation In Health C

Dec 30, 2013 Atlanta--In some sense, designers of health care facilities must follow the same creed as health care professionals: to first do no harm. A newly revised standard for ventilation of healt...


AHR Expo Survey of HVACR Manufacturers Predicts Good 2014

Dec. 30, 2013 HVACR manufacturers are looking up. That’s good news for an industry that’s been mired in the doldrums for five long years. It’s especially good when the news comes at the start of a new...


Bosch Experience Center at Serenbe Wins Earthcraft Award

Dec. 30, 2013 The Bosch Experience Center (BEC) at Serenbe was awarded the EarthCraft Light Commercial Project of the Year by The Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association and Southface, as part of th...


Navigant Research Predicts Growth in Building Automation Sys

According to a new report from Navigant Research, annual revenue from commercial BASs worldwide will grow from $56.9 billion in 2013 to $100.8 billion by 2021. Dec. 30, 2013 Commercial building automation systems (BAS) increasingly form the foundational infrastructure for advanced energy management products and services in the buildings sector. The automation of HVAC, lighting, fire & life saf...


Fish packaging with built-in nose

27/12/2013 Jenneke Heising’s research into three ways of measuring the freshness of packaged fish has been published in the Journal of Food Engineering. The three methods have one thing in common: they all involve measurements using a sensor in the packaging. As the fish decays, various substances are released into the air inside the packaging subsequently dissolving in water in the sensor. Heisi...


DECC consent granted for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm planning

30 December 2013 The application made in September 2013 by Dudgeon Offshore Wind to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to vary the offshore planning consent for the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm has now been approved.   The original planning consent was granted in 2012.   These variations were requested following a review of the design of the offshore wind farm site undertak...


Energy efficiency: the gift that keeps on giving

20 December 2013 By Jeff Beyer Taking care of the amount of energy you use makes economic and environmental sense, says the Carbon Trust’s Jeff Beyer   We’re told that the best Christmas gifts a...