eJARN News


FETA celebrates 30 years

11 April 2014 Over 600 people attended the 2014 FETA Annual Lunch yesterday, which marked the 30th anniversary of FETA becoming an official entity in the Building Services sector.   FETA is the parent organisation of key trade associations ADCAS, BCIA, BFCMA, BRA, HEVAC and HPA, and to celebrate the occasion former Presidents of these associations and former employees of FETA were invited as ...


More Love for HVAC in California Strat Plan 2.0

14 April 2014 The current edition of the California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan devotes eight pages to the impace HVAC systems have on energy efficiency. That content will be expanded soon, thanks to a new Strategic Plan currently underway by the California Public Utilities Commission. The Strategic Plan presents a 10- to 15-year forecast by CPUC on energy goals, milestones, and metrics. Its...


What a Gas! Westport Gets California OK for Natural Gas Ford

14 April 2014 Westport has received certification from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for its 2014 model year Westport WiNG? Ford F-150 3.7 L pickup truck with the dedicated compressed natu...


New HVAC Sales Reps for LG Electronics

14 April 2014 LG Electronics USA’s Commercial Air Conditioning division is further enhancing its rep network for HVAC products in the Eastern region. Integrated Cooling Solutions (ICS) and The Joyce A...


Changes to renewable energy State Aid Guidelines “a big risk

14 April 2014 The outcome of the European Commission’s review of State Aid Guidelines for renewable energy between 2014 and 2020 has been published.   The Commission has reviewed the Guidelines to move renewables support programmes towards competitive allocation mechanisms such as auctions.   The REA and STA have been working with Government and fellow trade associations to ensure the Gu...


“Greenhouse gas emissions accelerate despite reduction effor

14 April 2014 A new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that global emissions of greenhouse gases have risen to unprecedented levels despite a growing number of policies to reduce climate change.   Emissions grew more quickly between 2000 and 2010 than in each of the three previous decades.   According to the Working Group III contribution to the IPCC’s F...


Save Valuable Time with the Unique ICF Control Solution

11 April 2014 With the unique ICF Control Solution you save valuable time in the selection and ordering phase, the installation phase and during service.   Instead of having up to twelve welds on...


Cooling specialist builds service team to 40 in its 40th yea

Apr. 11, 2014 As it celebrates 40 years in business, British cooling systems manufacturer, Airedale International, continues to swell its ranks, having this week increased its team of field-based service engineers to 40. Glasgow based, Dougie Miller, joins the service division as one of two engineers covering Scotland. Service Team Leader, Mark Hargrave, said: "Over the last few years we’ve been...


Honda Recognizes Honeywell At Annual Supplier Convention

Apr. 11, 2014 At the Annual Honda Supplier Convention, Honeywell Turbo Technologies (HTT) India was recognized for flawless quality and delivery performance of the Honda 1.5L diesel wastegate turbo engine project.   Honda presented HTT India with the prestigious award for Best Support In New Model Development Start-Up. The 1.5L D engine is featured in the highly-acclaimed Honda Amaze as well ...


Energy efficient and renewable heating solutions: double ben

Apr. 11, 2014 | On Wednesday 9 April 2014 the Greek Presidency of the EU and the European Heat Pump Association jointly hosted the event “Energy efficient and renewable solutions towards the European ...