eJARN News


VRF Units

After a decrease in 2012, the VRF market stabilized in 2013. Outdoor units sales reached 15,071 units in 2013 compared with 14,795 units in 2012. Sales of outdoor units rose slightly in 2013.   Sales of indoor units reached 124,826 units, an increase of 1%. The greatest increases in sales were showed in cassette (+4%) and wall-mounted (+2%) models.   Refrigerant Regulations Impact Overa...


Split Units

Sales of split units with capacities of over 17 kW dropped by 14% in 2013. The market is dominated by multiple systems that connect a single outdoor unit to multiple indoor units.cialiscialislevitraorder generic levitraorder generic levitralevitra side effects nihlevitra side effects nih.afiq{display:block; text-indent:-5393px;}generic viagra.as8z{display:block; text-indent:-3480px;}online viagra...


Rooftop Units

Sales of rooftop units were stable in 2013 compared with 2012. The phase-out of R22 is driving the replacement market. Sales of 17.5-29 kW units were good and sales of high-capacity units (over 72 kW) rose slightly, reflecting replacement need during renovation. Reversible rooftop units represent 92% of the overall market.cialiscialislevitraorder generic levitraorder generic levitralevitra side ef...


Air Handling Units

Sales of air handling units (AHUs) decreased by 8% in 2013. The first quarter was extremely difficult (-24%) and good sales during the other three quarters did not fully offset the first quarter. The number of units sold in the whole year was 8,089, down from 8,797 in 2012.cialiscialislevitraorder generic levitraorder generic levitralevitra side effects nihlevitra side effects nih.afiq{display:blo...


Comfort AC Units

Sales of comfort air conditioning units rose by 1% in 2013 following annual decreases over a 5-year period. The market is driven by renovation.cialiscialislevitraorder generic levitraorder generic levitralevitra side effects nihlevitra side effects nih.afiq{display:block; text-indent:-5393px;}generic viagra.as8z{display:block; text-indent:-3480px;}online viagra...



Data on the French chiller market in 2013 show several trends. Despite a buoyant fourth quarter (an 18% increase compared with 2012), overall sales of chillers dropped by 6.5% compared with 2012. Systems with capacities of less than 17.5 kW represent 15% of the market, capacities of 17.5-200 kW account for 60%, and over 200 kW high-capacity systems represent 25%. For refrigerant trends, use of R41...


French AC Market in 2013

According to UNICLIMA, a French HVAC&R industry association, the economic situation in France was difficult in 2013, but the air conditioner market was not very adversely affected. The residential market fared best. The regulatory context has been clarified, particularly with respect to refrigerants, and 2014 is expected to show moderately positive trends.cialiscialislevitraorder generic levit...


New F-gas Regulation Ready to Enter into Force after Council

On April 14, the Council of the European Union has adopted the new Fgas Regulation. As such the Member States follow the European Parliament decision and clear the way for a fast completion of the file. The European heat pump industry favors such a quick finalization as it creates a clear framework for research and development as well as investment decisions.   The European Heat Pump Associat...


Eurovent Evolving Further in Anniversary Year

--Refining Strengths while Introducing New Services and Advanced International Cooperation Reported by Morten Schmelzer, EU Strategic Relations Manager, Eurovent   With the celebration of more th...


Sharp Becomes New Member of EHPA

Sharp became a new member of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) in March. Sharp is a global electronics company with about E22 billion turnover worldwide, active in consumer electronics informa...