eJARN News


Panasonic Solar Projects Growing in Latin America

Jun 09, 2014 Panasonic continue the Eco expansion in Latinamerica with new Photovoltaic projects in El Salvador, with HILCASA and INTRADESA as a partners to promote the use of solar panels, generating...


Headline News Volume 225

=========================== eJARN.com Headline News Date: June 13, 2014, Volume 225 http://www.ejarn.com =========================== * United States (Regional Reports) Hot summer weather and cold winter weather had a positive influence on the 2013 U.S. air conditioner market. JARN estimates that the air conditioner market in the United States saw 1.3% growth over the previous year to more than 14 ...


Revised guidance allows higher pressures for copper tubes fo

9 June 2014 The Institute of Refrigeration and British Refrigeration Association have collaborated to provide new guidance, allowing increased maximum allowable pressure for equivalent thickness of co...


China set to reduce HFC emissions by 280 million tonnes of C

09 June 2014 The announcement by the State Council on reduction of HFC emissions was included in the 2014-2015 Energy Conservation, Emissions Reduction and Low Carbon Development, released to the publ...


Reinhard Zinkann Elected CECED President

Jun 9, 2014 Members of European appliance association CECED elected Reinhard Zinkann, Executive Director and Co-Proprietor for Miele, to be CECED’s new President. The vote took place during the association’s annual General Assembly. "It is a great honor for me to take on the challenge of spearheading CECED’s outreach as its President over the next two years," said Zinkann. "I will use my mandate ...


Researchers Find New Way to Harness Waste Heat

9 June 2014 Cambridge, Mass. -- Huge amounts of excess heat are generated by industrial processes and power plants; researchers have long been seeking ways to harness some of this wasted energy. Most efforts have focused on thermoelectric devices, but the efficiency of such devices is limited by the availability of materials. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanf...


Renewable Energy Now Provides 6.5 Million Jobs Globally

9 June 2014 ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates -- In 2013, approximately 6.5 million people were employed in the renewable energy industry worldwide, according to a new study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). “Renewable Energy and Jobs - Annual Review 2014” highlights the role that renewables are playing in the global economy.   The annual review shows steady growth in t...


Colorado Legislation Funds Energy Collaboratory

9 June 2014 Boulder, Colo. -- Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has signed into law SB14-001, a $2 million appropriation to help fund the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory that involves four state institutions and a number of industry partners.   SB14-011 will provide $1 million in fiscal year 2014-2015 and $1 million in fiscal year 2015-2016 in matching funds to the Collaboratory, a clean...


BCIA launches professional assessment

9 June 2014 BCIA (the Building Controls Industry Association) in conjunction with National Electrotechnical Training (NET) has launched the Building Controls Professional Assessment (BCPA), an assessm...


Hydratech unveils new website

9 June 2014 Hydratech, the specialist formulator and manufacturer of heat transfer fluids, inhibited antifreeze, glycols and pipework system protection products has launched a new look website at www.hydratech.co.uk   Developed over the last six months, the website features a new, cleaner design that enables users to catch up on the latest company and industry news, view Hydratech’s products ...