Panasonic: Cumulative Global Shipments of nanoe™ Devices Exceed 100 Million Units

Osaka, Japan – Panasonic Corporation ( today announced that the cumulative number of nanoe™*1 devices manufactured, sold, and shipped by the company both in Japan and overseas, has now exceeded 100 million units*2.
In the 1990s, air pollution became an issue in living environments. In response, nanoe™ originated in 1997 when Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. (at the time) began research and development focused on purifying the air in living environments, utilizing water's properties to dissolve odor components. In 2001, with the cooperation of Dr. Kikuo Okuyama (currently Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University), full-scale technological development began. This gave birth to nanoe™, nano-sized particulate ions enveloped in water, generated by applying high voltage to moisture.
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